Vic and others — you should be able to comment again. I either need a better comment spam filter, or just a better comment spam filter user. (That would be me, who made a mistake again and blocked anything that had “blogspot” in it, which would be your URLs. Sigh.)
I also forgot to mention earlier today that Jose and I saw the shuttle/station complex fly over Houston on Friday night. We had to stop on the side of the road, since we were on our way from dinner to the movies, but it was worth it — very bright, and a max elevation of 80+ degrees! I wish I’d thought to mention it sooner, since there was another great pass last night.
There is one more pass tonight. Max elevation is only 20 degrees, so if you look you will need a clear view of the horizon. But it’s worth a shot. Get the times and directions here. I can’t believe NASA doesn’t do a better job of advertising this stuff. Sigh.
Ack! We missed the shuttle/station going over Charlotte. I can’t believe NASA employees don’t do a better job of telling their families this stuff. jejejejeje But thank you for the link. The next shuttle goes up soon, right?
Yipee, yipee!!! I can comment.
Wish I had seen the shuttle. The kids would have loved it.
Man, I wish I’d thought to post it earlier. I just forgot!
Sorry guys.
Next shuttle goes up in August.
I’m holding my breath to see if this comment goes through!! And doesn’t get rejected for questionable content! I swear – I wasn’t writing anything bad.