Technically, I’m a child of the 80s. That decade spanned ages 2-12, which, you’ve got to admit, were pretty formative years. And yet I think I must have missed out on a lot.
I know all the cheesy adult contemporary songs from the 80s because my mom listened to it on the radio, but my knowledge of what most people would consider “80s music” has been gained in later years. I have only vague memories of watching all the 80s cartoons — Transformers, Smurfs, Fraggle Rock, Voltron, etc — because we were only allowed one half hour of TV per day, with a special exception made for Saturday mornings. I never saw any of the “classic” 80s movies that dorky kids like me saw — Short Circuit, Flight of the Navigator, Goonies, etc. And when Jose mentioned a Monchichi last night, I knew what it was only from having seen it on “I Love the 80s” once.
Jose, on the other hand, is a legitimate child of the 80s. Apparently, all he ever did was watch TV and movies, and as a result, he frequently finds himself in a state that goes something like: “What?? Are you serious? You’ve never seen <insert 80s movie here>???”
This list has grown to include such illustrious titles as Total Recall, Robocop, Alien, The Abyss, Beetlejuice, Terminator, Real Genuis, and Peewee’s Big Adventure. (The last one came up because Paul Reubens has been making the talk show circuit promoting some new Peewee thing. And I know, a couple of those are actually 1979 and 1990, but close enough.)
Apparently, having seen The Hunt for Red October at least 10 times each summer — thanks to it being the only modern movie at my grandmother’s house — doesn’t make up for not having seen anything else. And while friends like Kent used to just laugh and ask “are you Amish?” every time he found I hadn’t seen such-and-such, Jose has decided that my 80s credentials are seriously lacking and that I need to watch some of these movies.
Last night after dinner and my 1200 yard swim workout, we started with Total Recall. I thought I might feel different this morning, you know, like a more complete person, like I was filling in gaps in my childhood. But alas, I still haven’t seen it all.
I fell asleep with a half hour left.
Dude! You haven’t seen Flight of the Navigator? Neverending Story? The Abyss?
OMG, you are Amish! You need some reeducation, fast.
I’ve seen Flight of the Navigator now — when I was like 20. I think I saw Neverending Story when I was little but don’t remember it. Have only seen clips of The Abyss.
LOL. How about Lethal Weapon. The “gang” I hung around with in high school and after would always go to the video rental store and rent a movie AND Lethal Weapon. We never watched the other movie, just Lethal Weapon. Of course, every line was memorized by all 6 of us. ah, memories!!!
Sarah- I’m a clueless child of the 80s too. Manny is 9 years older than me, so he is constantly amazed at my lack of 80s music knowledge and saddened by the fact that I HATE almost all 80s music in general! ughhhhh
Real Genius should be next on your list. Ask Becca. It may be the best movie ever.
Please tell me you’ve at least seen Princess Bride and Desperately Seeking Susan !?!?!
Just be careful that you don’t take all your input from Jose. Boys like different movies, it’s true. For instance, I wouldn’t have started you out with Total Recall. Maybe Short Circuit or Beetlejuice.
Haha, I can identify with you. I spent an entire shift (FD 11?) listening to the ojts rattle off an impressive list of 80’s movies, most of which I haven’t seen either.
I do actually remember Monchichi, that’s hilarious.
Let me know when you watch “Real Genius” so I can watch it, too; Val Kilmer’s best movie EVER (not even excepting “Top Gun”). I have to admit that a good part of my 80’s movie education has been far more recent than the actual decade. Still haven’t caught up on my Brat Pack flicks, and even the movies I did see in the 80’s, it’s been so long I don’t remember them well. But, a couple that I remember and love that aren’t on your list are “The Cat from Outer Space” and “The Adventures of Natty Gan”. There are also a bunch of horse movies that I could list, but I’ll spare you that obsession. =)
Oh, and I totally remember Monchichi! I even had one. Dragged it around everywhere.
What you need for a quick “catch-up” is a Molly Ringwald marathon. Don’t do anything else until you’ve seen The Breakfast Club, Pretty in Pink, and 16 Candles. Report back when you’re finished.
I was 6-16 during the 80’s, so you’ve just brought back a lot of memories!
Ok, you guys have to give me *some* credit. Of those that have been mentioned, I *have* seen Princess Bride, Top Gun, Breakfast Club, and Sixteen Candles.
Ha, we were allowed maybe 1/2 hour of TV and definitely no TV on the weekend, certainly not cartoons of all things. I can totally sympathize. I missed the 80s. I don’t mind, though.
I was 25-35 in the 80’s. Awe, screw it, I’m not going there.
Great movies of the 80’s: This Is Spinal Tap, Field of Dreams, Sudden Impact, A Fish Called Wanda, Amadeus, Lethal Weapon, Splash, Crocodile Dundee, Mad Max II, Breaker Morant, Robocop.
Dance your cares away.
Worries for another day.
Let the music play.
I love my Monchichi.
Don’t feel bad, I was 0-10 in the ’80s and I don’t remember much. My theory is that I was clueless because I watched too much PBS, hit my head one too many times, or most likely a combination of both. I wasn’t big into cartoons (used to watch fishing shows on Saturday mornings). I think I was just a big dork. And, some of those movies you listed I’ve never even heard of.
I can’t believe you haven’t seen that list! I have seen every one! I have no idea what Monchichi is…
All I have to say is you need to watch The Adventures of Buckaroo Bonzai. Also The Man With Two Brains. Frankly, any of the Steve Martin movies from the 80’s are worth seeing.