It’s Friday, and yet I’m wearing a skirt and pantyhose. Pantyhose! They make the backs of my knees sweat when I walk outside, in case you were interested.
I just finished an interview for a new position within my current division. Overall, I think it went pretty well. I should find out next week if I get the job. I don’t want to say much more about it now, because I might not get it. And if I don’t, it won’t be the end of the world. But I do really want it, so send good thoughts my way.
Last night was softball (two hits and one great catch for Sarah, although we lost the game) followed by “fish night” at Becca’s. What started because Gavin wanted to raise his good cholesterol is certainly growing quickly — last night we pushed Becca’s kitchen table to the limit, squeezing eight people around it. I’m all about free dinner. I had planned to basically eat and run, wanting to get home early enough to ponder what topics and experiences I definitely wanted to work into my interview this morning, but I stayed more than three hours. We were just having too much fun, which is probably due to (as Jen said) the sangria that Katie and Fred brought.
Weekend’s here at last. Hurrah.
good vibes coming your way!!! Nice game, girl!!!
ha! i initially parsed “fish night” as “fist fight” at becca’s. now that would be interesting.