I missed the Lunar Rendezvous Run this morning. For the second year in a row. I’m MAD.
This year, my alarm went off as scheduled. (Last year it didn’t.) I awoke at 6:30, after a fitful night of sleep, with a pounding headache and a nauseous feeling in my stomach. I got up, put on my running clothes, took an Advil, and laid back down to rest until 7:00. At 7:00 I felt slightly better, but moving made my head hurt. I knew I had to come in to work this morning (where I am right now) to deliver some products in advance of the shuttle landing on Monday morning. And my sister will be in town tonight. Something had to give, and it was the 5K. I took off my running clothes and went back to sleep.
Of course after sleeping until 9:00, I feel fine. Dammit, body, get your act together!
I hate feeling bad. More than that, I hate feeling like I’m using feeling bad as an excuse. And it always feels like an excuse. I feel like if I were tougher, I could just run through it.
HRBers, you have no idea how sorry to have missed you.
Hey no biggie. Now if you don’t make August 12, you will be punished
We should carpool with Keith.
Didn’t see Brett Riley’s result either and he planned to run. Couldn’t find a result for Jose either. 5k in Houston in July? Ugh.
Time to headbutt something.