Around the world, stuff is happening. A large earthquake and ensuing tsunami hit Indonesia. Israel and Hezbollah are trying to start World War III. On the plus side, the space shuttle landed successfully this morning.
And what is the lead story on CNN’s website? That Bush said “shit” while talking to Tony Blair.
Whoa. Stop the presses, people!
Sigh. You’ve got to be kidding me.
The media in our country is so awful. Scandal, spectacle and personal sins are top priority for them. They appeal to everyone’s basest instincts so they can capture as many eyeballs as possible – so they can get as many ad dollars as possible. They no longer take seriously their role in a healthy democracy.
It’s unbelievable to me. I can’t believe that’s at the top of the news.
So, what is the difference between a rocket and a missle? The news keep making that distinction with no explanation.
Mrs. G