Last night I was too tired to even think about working out. Bad, I know, but still true. Instead, I decided to school Jose some more at his race car crash-em-up game. Sadly, I may have overspoken a couple days ago, because I failed miserably in my second attempt at kicking his butt. Ah well. Video games are not my strong suit.
We’ve also been making our way through his Arrested Development, Season 1 DVDs. I’d never watched the show before, but now I understand why so many people were irate that it was cancelled — it’s hilarious!
The Braves are in town tonight, but I’m hoping the Astros can get another win.
Isn’t it good? I might have to borrow the DVDs when you’re done; I started watching during Season 2. I’m SOOO in love with Jason Bateman.