Just like last year, Roger Clemens was on the mound. And just like last year, the Astros gave him no run support.
Now, I’d be remiss to imply that the Astros simply sucked last night, when really they were being strung up on a fantastic performance by Twins pitcher Francisco Liriano — who is 22 years old, ironically enough, which keeps the night’s string of 22s alive. Jen, Jason and I were all tired and as the Astros continued to put up absolutely ZERO offense, we started to feel like the game would never end. Jason Lane’s 2-run homer in the 8th woke us up a bit, but it was too little, too late.
It was also apparently the largest crowd in Minute Maid Park history at 43,769. I find that a little hard to believe — there weren’t more people there during last year’s post-season? — but that’s what they said.
My workout yesterday didn’t quite go as planned, because all of the treadmills were in use at 5:00 when I got to Gilruth. I was scheduled to run 2-3 miles, but I sure wasn’t going outside in the heat, so I ended up doing 25:00 on the elliptical. It says I went 3 miles in those 25:00, which I have a hard time believing since I can’t run 3 miles in 25:00. Who knows.
Today’s my day off, however, which I am very much looking forward to. No running, swimming, or biking. Just working and then hanging out with my mom, who arrived last night for a few days. Hooray for Mom!
Every 40,000+ game is a new record. It must be Draytonomics.
It’s true, it outdrew every game played at Minute Maid in the post season last year (although it only outdrew one of the Atlanta games by 10 people) and outdrew the 2004 All Star Game by about 2,000 people. I would think it very likely they set an attendance record last night.