What time is it? What day is it?
The thought of fully recapping my weekend exhausts me, so here it is in bullet form.
+ Friday night. Dinner in Kemah. Not as crowded as I’d feared. Rented movies. Too tired to watch them.
+ Saturday morning. Ran a 5K with Debbie. It was a sketchy one, but turned out to be official. Only ~15 people there, all Team-in-Training except us, I think. The blow-your-mind part? Debbie and I finished first and second. In 35:25 and 35:30; she out-sprinted me. We got medals for finishing first and second in our slowest times ever. I’m suspicious. Google pedometer says we ran 3.25 miles, not 3.1. Makes more sense now.
+ Oh — as I was driving to the race, saw Keith running down NASA Parkway with two girls. Considered yelling out the window at him. Didn’t though. Hi Keith!
+ Saturday afternoon. Lunch was samples of tens of different kinds of chili at the JSC Chili Cookoff. What happened to chili with beans and vegetables?? Turns out that the rules stated “no beans,” which explains why all the chilis were really more like versions of beef stew. Weird. And all the teams were giving out free jello shots. Also weird.
+ Carter called. He got a new car!
+ Saturday night. Birthday party for Debbie who turned 27. Met at Curt’s, painted our faces (ok, just Jason and I painted our faces), and marched the half mile to Debbie’s house carrying lit tiki torches. Alarmed many neighbors and heard at least one mumble “well that’s something different.” Surprised Debbie, then cooked shish-ka-bobs on the grill and Cari clogged her sink. But then unclogged it.
+ Sunday morning. Woke up way too early to drive over to Braeswood to take photos with Holden at the first ever Stepping Stones 5K/10K. Was harassed by Steeeve, who used the PA system to publicly ask where Jose was. (Am thinking Jose is going to regret dating a girl who blogs and has a fairly large contingent that actually reads her blog.)
+ Sunday afternoon. Drove downtown for the second time in 6 hours to have lunch with Jo at Empire Cafe. Wish Jo still lived here. She is fun.
+ Sunday night. Soccer game. Hot hot hot. We lost. One girl butt-bumped me, fell down, then acted upset when the ref didn’t call a foul. HA HA — He saw you do the butt bump, chica.
+ Thought about watching the movies we rented on Friday and didn’t watch. Still too tired. Fell asleep before 11:00.
+ In the few hours between all that, I did homework. Still have a bunch left to do. So, so glad that tomorrow is the last day of class.
I am far too busy for my own good and feeling rather guilty about neglecting the boyfriend. And suddenly, sadly, it is Monday.
What a busy weekend. It sounds fun though. The tiki torches sound fun.
You should have whistled out the window.
Hi Sarah!
It’s probably best you didn’t yell anything, I might have given you the finger just out of reflex. Congrats on your victory.
Hmm…wonder what I might have blurted out had Jose actually been there. Thanks for being a good sport and thanks to you and Holden for shooting the race.