My brother left on Monday for a couple months in Europe. Jealous? Me? Naaaaaaaah.
I got into London this morning about 6:30 and mademy way on the tube to a hostel in London. I then went and walkedaround for a while. I saw a big park with lots of birds and then stayed around buckingham Palace for about 2 hours waiting for and watching the changing of the guard. It was cool, but it took way too long. Then I walked down and saw Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament. Winchester Abbey was closedto tourists today. Then i rode the tube to the London Museum,but was so tired I didnt spend much time there. Im back at the hostel now and am going to take a nap for a while so that I’ll be able to do more tommorow.
He’s humongous. Last time I saw him he was like feet tall.