Last night I freaked out a little bit. I can honestly say that hadn’t happened in quite a while, and I hope it doesn’t happen again anytime soon.
Work ended on a rough and frustrating note and I got a little overwhelmed by all that I have to do in the next week. There’s a zillion things for work — I have footprints, trade studies, procedure comparisons, and a Vomit Comet team about to arrive in town that I anticipate will need quite a bit of help before being cleared to fly — and no one seems satisfied with my progress on anything. There’s a final project for my web design class — see, tonight is the last day of class but I don’t have my project finished. I’ve turned in one project late already, and am about to turn in one more late. On top of that, I feel like I’ve done a half-assed job on them.
I felt stressed. I must have looked stressed too. “This isn’t your style,” he said. “You don’t turn things in late. You don’t do assignments halfway. It’s against your religion, even if you don’t care about the class.”
My shoulders sagged and I let out a breath I didn’t know I’d been holding. He nailed it.
This isn’t me. It’s a class I should have dropped in January, knowing how busy my spring would be. But I didn’t. And even if I don’t care, it’s not like me to turn in assignments late. Or do them crappily. Or not finish them at all. Even if it is “just” UHCL. Even if it’s just a class I’m taking for “fun.”
It’s just not like me.
I’m glad the semester is over.
(Project 4 – Portfolio. Required a Flash intro.
Grad Project – JC Booth Chorus page. So not finished yet.)
Thank goodness there isn’t a lot of HRB cash to worry about?
I’m starting to take offense to your constant downgrade of UHCL. Just because it is not a school you attended, doesn’t make it a bad school. Lots of UHCL graduates have gone on to great jobs, just as good (if not the same) as yours. Just something for you to think about…
Oh — I didn’t mean it to sound like I was dissing on UHCL (hence the “just” in quotes). I feel just as guilty about treating this class badly as I would if it were at any other school, maybe even worse, because this is a class in a subject that I am truly interested in, and I’m treating it like crap.
On the flip side, I do have to say that the professor hasn’t done a great job of impressing me. I turned in my third project more than a week late, and *unfinished*, and I still got 56/60 points. I think he should be holding students to a higher standard. It’s also interesting to me to hear him occasionally make remarks about “now if you were at UH Main they would do it this way, but our way is just as good.” It’s not encouraging to hear UHCL’s own professors feeling like they have to justify UHCL’s status.
You are right — UHCL graduates have done cool things. There are some people in my class that are way better web designers than me, and have had jobs and internships that I’d kill for. (I found out last night that one of my classmates worked last summer doing graphics for the Astros. Can you say JEALOUS??)
In the end, the web design class wasn’t everything I’d hoped for, but that’s not UHCL’s fault. I knew going in what it would be, and did it anyway. And I have learned some things that I didn’t know, and didn’t know I would learn.
Okay, I forgive you
With that said, did you know a few astronauts graduated from UHCL – and they are supposed to be the “best of the best” around here, right? So I guess UHCL can’t be that bad…