It was a strange weekend, with brief periods of intense activity followed by long naps, and capped with a slow, gray, lazy Sunday.
I am not a nap person. Oddly, this is not to imply that I don’t like naps; I do. I love lying in bed in the middle of the afternoon dozing and feeling like everything is right with the world. But I rarely do it because mid-day naps leave me feeling so groggy.
This weekend felt like four days. Four weird, groggy days. All my activity of the past few months caught up with me, and I crashed. I crashed hard.
I crashed on Friday night, after the MOD party and a low-key dinner, and was asleep by 10:30. I was up at 7:00 the next morning for the Summer Kickoff 5K, but afterwards I showered and crashed again for a two-hour nap. I didn’t get up until lunchtime.
Saturday was spent watching the Astros lose and then dropping by Nick’s housewarming party. He just moved to a nice studio apartment up in town on Alabama. Nick, being who he is, was all atwitter at being able to throw a party. (Yes, atwitter is the proper word to describe him.) Of course, I crashed again that night as soon as I got home.
I was up early — 6:15 — yet again yesterday to drive to La Marque to take some photos at the Webster Duathlon. I tried to stay awake while getting eaten alive by mosquitos, at least until it became so breezy that all the bugs were blown away. I was home shortly after 10, at which point I crashed again and slept for an hour and a half.
At this point in the weekend, I’m pretty sure J had decided that he’s dating a narcoleptic, but oh — I wasn’t not done yet! After a late lunch and a matinee movie, I spaced out at the grocery store and leave one bag of groceries at the checkout and didn’t realize this until half an hour later. Then, as my encore, I fell asleep halfway through The Big Lebowski and have only hazy memories of how I got from the couch to the bed.
The kicker? I’m still tired today!
It is absolutely gorgeous outside today and I can’t go running because I’ll be at work until 10:00. Boo.
um… what happened to the groceries?
They’re still at the store, I guess! There was actually only one thing — a frozen pizza — in the bag. But it was dinner. So we ate blueberry bread instead.
Been reading a lot about Florida gators. Beware that the syndrome doesn’t catch in texas as in YOUR BACK YARD PAL.