Clemens is back with the Astros! Woo!
I ran after work yesterday, despite the oppressive humidity. After my frustrating afternoon, I needed to burn off some energy. I told myself that I’d just do a nice easy run in the heat, but of course once I got out there, all keyed up after my crappy day, I took off faster. I did something a little different and hit the splits at the half mile markers instead. I ran the first 1.5 miles without stopping, then took a short walk break. I took two more short breaks at 2 and 2.5 miles, but ran faster because of it. In a way, it was almost a pseudo-speed session.
Mile 1 – 11:10 (5:40, 5:30)
Mile 2 – 10:56 (5:20, 5:36 w/walk)
Mile 3 – 10:32 (5:18 w/walk, 5:14 w/walk)
Including the walk breaks, I did 3 miles in 32:40. Because of my walk/run pattern in the last half mile that had me running sub-10:00 pace for the portions I ran, I finished gasping for air, but feeling much happier about work and life in general. Geez, running is such good therapy.
This morning I had to drive to work in a deluge. I think the rain started around 4 am, but it was still falling hard when I left at 6:45 for my sim. I had a crapload of stuff with me — purse, backpack, and suitcase — since I am leaving straight for the airport in a couple hours, and my umbrella was, of course, in the car. I held my suitcase over my head and ran for the car, and managed to avoid getting the upper half of my body too wet. The suitcase, on the other hand, had to be opened just so that water didn’t leak through the top onto all my clothes!
Umbrella now in hand, I made it from the parking lot to the control center without difficulty, unless you count the fact that I was running late and therefore did not have time to stop for Starbucks. The control center, of course, was freezing, which felt great, especially on my wet legs. Sigh.
I’m off to Los Angeles this afternoon for two days of meetings at JPL about Mars stuff, followed by a Saturday hanging out with Gavin. I plan to catch a Dodgers game and push my list of stadiums over the halfway mark! Dodger Stadium will be #16. If only my flight got in a little earlier tonight — I could’ve gone to an Angels game as well!
Sorry I’ll miss you at the Heights Run this weekend, but I’m sure you’ll have a good time in LA. I’m only up to #8 on the stadium list (11 if you count old and new home ballparks for the same team). I have a ways to go…
Get a Dodger dog for me!