I have been blogging, in one form or another and with varying success, since 1998. (One day I will get all my archives in one place. For now, this only goes back to August 2003. I know, I suck.) When I began, no one read it and I wrote whatever I wanted. In the early years, when I realized that my friends had begun to read things, I occasionally wrote pointed remarks if I was angry or upset, knowing full well that the person they were meant for would read it — talk about being passive-aggressive! This is something I do not recommend.
Despite all my mistakes, I have kept blogging because I enjoy it. I’m even in a running club for bloggers, which seems crazy to me and yet I love it. (Though my blog has never really been about running. It’s about my life, and running is just a part of that.) Two of the Houston Running Bloggers have hung up their keyboards in the past couple days; they are tired of sharing, and maybe just tired of blogging. I read the words of others who say they feel pressure to blog, and can understand why people quit. I’ve never felt that way. I like blogging because it’s fun, because it’s a way to let those who live far away keep up with what I’m doing, because it’s a way to record my thoughts, and because I can type way faster than I can write in a diary by hand!
If people read it, that’s fine. If they don’t, that’s fine too.
There are rules, of course, to blogging. In my mind, there are three biggies:
+ Don’t write anything that you wouldn’t want anyone to read. As a sub-rule, don’t write anything that you wouldn’t want even one specific person to read, because it’s guaranteed that the one person you don’t want to read it will find it.
+ Don’t write about work. I am fully aware that I break this one more often than I should.
+ Don’t write about your love life. For a while, this one was really not a problem since my love life was pretty boring. Lately though, it’s undergone a definite improvement. (And right now, what you’re reading, is the only time that I even remotely intend to give this topic any discussion for at least the near future.)
I met a guy, his name is Jose, we’ve been dating for a few months. I’m a cynic/skeptic/pessimist/fatalist — choose your adjective — about these things, and for a while it took every bone in my body and every bit of willpower I could muster to resist the instinct to run. Who knows where it’s going or what the future holds, but right now I like him and things are good. Really good.
I decided to officially mention him here for two reasons. First of all, it is starting to feel strange to not mention him. But really, I just wanted to share the following two lovely photos that Becca took with my camera up at the Flying Saucer last night at Yuri’s Night. I am going to show this whenever someone asks me what Jose looks like:
And he can show this one:
Aren’t we both just so attractive?
P.S. I reserve the right to delete any comments I don’t like.
P.P.S. I also reserve the right to delete this entry entirely.
Jose is hot.
dude, you were like a blog pioneer, back in the days when we called it an online journal before the word blog had even been invented! do you still have the archives of your old site? you should put them up somewhere. i still remember when you switched over to the “100 days” theme. and y’all look cute together!
I do have all my old archives and have been meaning to get them consolidated for at least a year now. I even have the “100 days” site intact, just not anywhere online.
Yeah, but what’s his 10K time?
Just kidding.
Best. Couple. Photos. Ever.
(Busting up at Keith’s comment)
As I was reading the post, “I met a guy…”, I wondered the same thing, but I thought that is was pretty unfair – and just my smart aleck nature.
But as I scrolled down further and saw the picture, I said, “Hey, I know that guy!” (Only because he was there earlier than I was to help Sarah set up for the Yuri’s Night 5K.)
He seemed very nice, Sarah. I promise not to say anything to him about you missing races because of a faulty alarm clock. I’d never do anything like that.
I agree with your blogging philosophies. I do it because I enjoy it. I’m lucky to have a few people who actually read my blog, but even if they didn’t, I would still do it.
Jose Graybeal has a very nice ring to it…..
I think your blog is cool. Variety is the spice of life. Plus it’s a great way to meet a lot of interesting folks.
You are funny. Tell Jose hi even though he doesn’t know me.
Why not write about your love life?
Dang. I can’t think of anything funny like Keith or Holden. You know, if you get married it’s okay to talk about your love life. Well sort of. No overshare please.
I try not to talk about work. Heck, I try not to work. I try to not work and yet get paid and yet appear to work very hard.
Enough with the not-so-subtle marriage comments people! What part of “few months” and “cynic/skeptic/pessimist/fatalist” did you not understand?
I think blogging about your love life is okay. Sarah’s just nervous about this sort of thing, and she’s prefer people not ask or talk to her about it. Allow me to submit her previous comment as evidence A.
On the bright side, I think it’s great she is blogging about Jose. He’s cool.
I’m not gonna say anything. But, Donna wants to know if he’s Jose from the Texas Photo Forum.
I know you are good with computers and some good photo editing software – splice the pictures!!
I swear – some of these HRBers are hilarious (Keith, Jon, Holden, Barbara).
Go elope! Make a whole weekend out of it Sarah! Hey, from my 1st date to engagement (4 months) to marriage was all of a 9 month span. That was 12 years, 2 kids, a dog and 2 cats ago. Well, and a couple of fish that didn’t make it. And a couple of gerbils that didn’t make it either.
Nah, for the first month or so, Sarah had a “hall pass” to avoid any of us provoking the flight response in her, but now all’s fair :).
ok. I have to admit I just wanted to add to Jose’s comment total. I think I had something witty to say yesterday, but now I don’t. Welcome to the blog Jose.
Wow, look at all these comments. Who knew writing about your love life could cause so much interest? Hmmm…. I just need to find a love life and then I’m set.
I’ve been through many blog incarnations and have considered walking away before, but I like it too much. I think your philosophy is dead on (don’t write it unless you are ok with it being read by anyone in your life) and that’s what I settled into now.
Number 20, woo hoo!
Oh, wait. Did my comment need to have content? Sorry about that.
What? No survey? Wuss.