It’s the time of year where the weather in Houston is extremely weird. While outside, it seems pleasant enough, but when in my apartment, it’s always borderline on whether to open the windows or turn on the A/C. Earlier this week it was A/C time, but last night I thought I might be ok with out. I fell asleep around midnight and tossed and turned until 4 a.m. I couldn’t figure out why I was sleeping so badly until I realized that it was hot. On came the A/C, and I got at least a couple hours of decent sleep after that. But as a result of my crappy night, I am feeling crappy today.
We had a softball doubleheader last night with games at 6 and 7. Around the 4th inning of the first game as I was walking out to take my position in left center field, I did a double take and then started hopping around startled because I had just come about two feet from stepping right onto a SNAKE. What is up with me and the crazy animals lately?? First the alligator that lives behind my apartment, and now a big ol’ snake in left center field!
Anyway, Sean wondered why I was jumping around and freaking out in left center, so he came over to see the snake, and then the other outfielders came over, and then the infielders, and then the other team, and the umpire, until everyone was looking at the snake. We had a 10-minute snake timeout while we attempted to move the snake along, which only served to piss off Mr. Snake, who then coiled back and started snapping his head menacingly. Finally one of the landscaping guys came over with a hoe and shovel and we helped Mr. Snake off the softball field.
For the rest of the game, after every pitch, I turned around to make sure he wasn’t sneaking up on me.
Matt and I did some investigating this morning, and we believe that it was probably a Texas Brown Snake, as it matches that photo most closely. It actually looked a lot like a rattlesnake, but without a rattle. The only discrepancy is that the Brown Snake description says adults only get to about 13 inches long, and the snake last night was more like two feet. “Texas Brown Snakes are completely harmless if encountered, but will readily feign aggressiveness to defend themselves. This usually involves coiling up, raising the head, striking out repeatedly at anything that gets too close and vibrating the tail.”
I’m excited to go home to Charlotte for the weekend! (But whatever will J, the figment of my imagination, do without me? Ahahaha.) The main event, of course, is Andrew and Sari’s wedding on Sunday, but I’m also looking forward to running a 10K tomorrow morning, getting a haircut, seeing Mom and Dad and Brian and hopefully David, and going up to the hip, happenin’ town of Burlington to see Katie and Joel and their apartment.
Update: Upon further discussion and inspection, I have changed my mind and think the snake must have been a Rat Snake.
Ahh!! I hate snakes. You are much braver than I, I probably wouldn’t have went back out there.
It would have been game over for me! Maybe you can run the 10K tomorrow thinking that the snake is going to catch you — a new PR!
Yes, the snakes are now coming out of their winter slumber to look for food. I told my wife to watch out for snakes during this morning’s run and she kind of jumped around during the first mile whenever we came across some dark shadows.
yea! another freezepop fan!