On the first day of my new ability to work a 9/80 schedule, the score is:
Comfy bed – 1
Sarah – 0
I got in at 9:00. I’m thinking I probably won’t be taking next Friday off. This 9/80 thing will take some adjustment.
Yesterday was a lovely Sunday that passed far too quickly. The day began as all good days should — with me lying in bed until noon. I got up to eat a bagel (side note: I am going to be eating bagels for at least the next month, as there were four bags left over from the race on Saturday), and was lounging around when I decided it was time to open the blinds. At this point, I shrieked very loudly because THE ALLIGATOR WAS TOTALLY BACK! Like I saw in November. Maybe the very same!
Of course I took pictures again, and Jose was also an eyewitness, so 1) I am not crazy and 2) I am not Photoshopping this thing into my photo. Later, when Jose mentioned that the alligator had disappeared, I looked out and spotted him swimming around menacingly. Eek!
Though if he keeps on hanging out around here, I suppose I’ll have to give him a name and start throwing him small animals or something. Ally Gator. You know. Something totally cheesy.
Yesterday afternoon I got to talk to Kent-ola for a while, and then headed over to Gavin and Jen’s to work on a slideshow of Patagonia photos that we’re presenting tomorrow at lunchtime. Some of our coworkers like to live vicariously through us and our exotic travels, so a slideshow is the least we can do.
Last night I headed out into a perfect April evening to see the first-ever Major League Soccer game in Houston — the Dynamo vs. the Colorado Rapids. The home team won 5-2 behind Brian Ching’s four goals. Wow! It was a lot of fun, despite feeling like I had been thrust into a stadium full of 10-year-olds in soccer uniforms. I even randomly ran into Jessica in the parking lot afterwards. She asked me where my camera was, and I sadly explained that I hadn’t brought it because I didn’t think they’d let me take it in (like the Toyota Center); of course, once we were there, there was a guy sitting a couple rows over shooting with the exact same setup that I would’ve brought. Next time I’m taking the big lens!
Tonight: OPENING NIGHT for the Astros! Wooooooo! I’ve been waiting for today since October!!
I vote you call him “Boots.”
To make the 9-80 thing work, you need to commit to it from the beginning… that means you should just make up the extra hours from sleeping in today with an extra long day later this week. It sucks, but you need to start thinking like your workday is 9 hours rather than 8 to make it work.. (jealous that I’m not doing it..)
Somehow this alligator must have a hankerin’ for sweet potatoes and bagels…you should share next time.
Call it, TLC. Short for “Taste Like Chicken.”
I think you should call him Spot. As in spotted in the wild. He looks as happy as a duck in water, dog in a back yard, alligator in a swamp.
I just saw your alligator on the news this morning. A story about people worried it would eat their pets and children.