I’ve always been one of those people who wanted to know about all the cool independent music before it became popular, but never put in the effort to find it. Turns out that someone I know is quite the little indie music snob. Now I get to listen to cool new music that I’ve never heard before (and would never otherwise find) and I don’t even have to try! Perfect.
It’s been a crazy busy week since returning from Tahoe (so what’s new), and crazy busy means that I’m in a constant state of being a little bit anxious, a little bit stressed, and a little bit reflective about the current state of my life.
“Courage is saying, ‘Maybe what I’m doing isn’t working; maybe I should try something else.'” — Anna Lappe
I’m busy. Too busy. I have things scheduled almost every night. This has been going on for months. Now, add to that the fact that over the past couple months, any free time I’ve had has been monopolized by, well, something else. (Not that I’m complaining about that part AT ALL, mind you.)
The biggest thing to think about, as usual, is work. I made the big decision not to apply for the fellowship this year — August would not be a good time to leave, career-wise. I will be certifying this fall (hopefully), and there are some other possibilities that may or may not open up. I am happy enough with the job to forego the possibility of leaving on the fellowship, and yet this week I’m dissatisfied. George is about to certify, so I’m not getting scheduled for any sims. This leaves me frustrated and impatient, and annoyed that I am having to fill all of my time running sims. (Gavin loves running sims. How is it that he loves running sims?)
Also on my mind is my web design class. I’m treating it like a red-headed stepchild and really not putting in the effort it deserves. I’ve realized that perhaps I did a bit too much of the “resting on my laurels” thing at the beginning of the class, telling myself that I know how to use Dreamweaver, and I know how to design websites. Last night was presentation day for our third project. My own project was 1) unfinished and 2) boring. The design and layout was unoriginal, boxy, and flat. There were a couple really spectacular looking designs, and it made me realize that while I’ve done a decent job over the years of designing functional websites, I may not be doing a great job of designing visually appealing sites. And if the graphic design class last fall did anything, it has made me notice design a lot more. If I was a bit obsessive before, well, it’s even worse now. I need to really challenge myself to get out of my comfort zone for the fourth and final project — a personal portfolio.
Tonight is Astros game number 2 of 27. I love season tickets.
I’ll take music recommendations if you’ve found anything good..
So…you gotta go to more than 27 games. you gotta go to all of them.
27 games is our mini-plan.
Speaking of more things to do, I finally saw today you had asked about the OTR paces on my blog. The people there are pretty fast. My 9 min mile was the slow group the one Monday I showed up. I’ve also been among the slowest on the couple of Tuesday speed workouts I’ve attended. But you can always do your own thing,
Hey Sarah,
I second the comment that you need to start posting music reviews here too. I’m always game for something new for my iPod.
Which package do you have for the Astros? We have the weekend plan. We’ve always been off first base but moved this year to 3rd (106).
You’ve known someone who was quite the little indie music snob for a long time!
See you this weekend!
“George is about to certify, so I’m not getting scheduled for any sims. This leaves me frustrated and impatient, and annoyed that I am having to fill all of my time running sims.” What an odd problem to have. I’m amused by your good sim / bad sim dilemas.