Real (funny) Men of Genius: One of the highlights of Tuesday’s game occurred prior to the top of the seventh inning, when the Real Men of Genius guys — singer Pete Stacker and voiceover lyricist Dave Bickler — recorded a new commercial on the field.
The “song” focused on the train that runs on the tracks above the outfield at Minute Maid Park, and its conductor, Bobby Vasquez.
The lyrics, with Stacker’s musical interjections in parenthesis:
Bud Light presents Real Men of Genius
Today, we salute Mr. Houston Astro train conductor guy
Go ahead everybody, wave at him … he thinks he’s a real conductor
(In his bib overalls)
Wait a minute, those are not giant pumpkins. Those are enormous oranges. At least two hundred large glasses each.
Every time there’s a home team homer, he drives the same three hundred feet, end to end, non-stop
(How does he do it?)
So crack open a nice cold Bud Light and toast the train conductor, for the National League Champion Houston Astros.
(Stand up and cheer for your champions)
Bud Light beer, Anheuser-Busch, Houston, Texas
I met Bobby the train conductor in the press dining room before Game 3 of the World Series last year. He was very funny, and said he stumbled into the job after interning for the team. He is, or was, a freelance writer in real life. The best part was that he told me he’d had to change his cell phone answering message to say “Hi, this is Bobby. No, I can’t get you tickets.”
okay, first time commentor! i’m chris b’s friend who now lives in DC.
i travel to houston for work some and i have to say that minute maid park looks like it would be a great place to see a ballgame.
plus y’all have some great mexican food. ole!