Last night I took Jose running. Keith, he has no 10K time at the moment because I don’t think he’s ever run a 10K, but give me time. We did 2 miles with a few walking breaks, all while keeping our eyes peeled for the alligator that was spotted on the jogging trail here at work. What is up with the animals?? When I drove away from Gilruth, I saw the grounds guys crowded around what appeared to be another snake located not on but near the softball fields.
Anyway, as we ran I told Jose that I’d written about him on my blog. “What did you say?” he asked, so I told him. (He reads this only occasionally, I think. For the record, I didn’t and wouldn’t ever write anything here that I hadn’t already told him. So yes, he knows I’m a cynic/skeptic/pessimist/fatalist.) He was either pleased or worried, I’m not sure which, to find out that he generated more comments than any blog entry I’ve ever written before. Seventeen! (EDIT: Twenty!) People: whoa. Settle.
I haven’t been in my apartment (except to sleep) for more than about an hour since I got back from Charlotte and it is an absolute wreck. However, my distraction is going home for Easter so I have arranged weekend dates with the other men in my life: Mr. Tivo, who is holding a couple weeks worth of shows; Mr. Vacuum, who needs to clean my floor; Mr. Goodwill, who needs to take a lot of my old clothes away; and Mr. Washer and Mr. Dryer, who need to clean the clothes I still wear.
Basically, I’ve decided that between running the Resurrection Run tomorrow morning (if you’re running it too, leave a comment and let me know so I can look for you!) and going over to James’s for Easter dinner on Sunday, the weekend will be spent spring cleaning. And the fun has already begun! Last night I had a spare hour to spend with Mr. Grocery Store, a handsome devil that I had been avoiding since — I kid you not — mid-February. Guess how much I spent. No, really, guess.
$190. I spent freaking $190 at the grocery store. This should convey exactly how empty my cupboards were. Two months without going to the grocery store will do that. And suddenly, I realize where these extra 3-4 pounds have come from. I’ve been eating out basically every day for two months.
I am absurd.
There is no one at work today. It’s the second Friday of the first pay period where we could work 9/80s. I took Monday off, so I am here. It is quiet, and empty.
Sigh, absurd maybe, but I’ve so been there. I am currently trying to work up the desire to go to the grocery store.
Darn it. How are you supposed to elope on Easter morning if he’s not even here?
My grandmother eloped, and almost 60 years later my great-grandmother was *still* upset! They were madly in love and couldn’t wait.
I won’t be there Saturday, but we will be hunting eggs at your end of town Sunday afternoon.
You’re not really one for subtlety, are you Barbara??
Funny thing…my boss claims the same thing!
I’ll be at the likely slightly too warm and definitely too humid Resurrection Run. See you there.
I can name that tune in 18 words – actually, I can’t!
What time is the alarm clock set for? I will be there with the red headed princess in tow! Should be a great day, albeit a humid one.
After the race, we are planning on going here — (photo exhibit of Houston past)
Ha! You fools! I shall be sitting in the sunshine doing absolutely no exercise. I may even eat some chocolate cake.