April 12 is a big day in the space world. It’s Yuri’s Night, of course, so Happy 45th Anniversary of Yuri Gagarin becoming the First Man in Space! But it’s also a big day for NASA, so Happy 25th Anniversary of the First Space Shuttle Launch! I’ll be celebrating everything downtown tonight at the Flying Saucer, where the official Houston Yuri’s Night party is happening this year.
Every time I get frustrated with my job, I am annoyingly reminded that I can’t help myself — I find spaceflight incredibly cool. This morning I watched a slideshow that someone put together in honor of the shuttle anniversary, and the beautiful images combined with the music gave me goosebumps. Freaking cool spaceflight. Sigh.
I’m feeling good today after two nights of very sound sleep since returning from Charlotte. Last night I crashed at 11:00. 11:00! It was awesome. I actually feel awake today, which is pretty amazing. I should do this more often.
I really don’t have much to say today. I’ve got a laundry list of errands and small tasks that is lying forgotten in my apartment that I plan to catch up on this weekend, but for the rest of this week, I plan to r-e-l-a-x.
Random link of the day: the San Francisco Chronicle is doing a series of articles in advance of the 100th anniversary of the Great Earthquake (April 18, 1906). I have a slight fascination with quakes, and this one in particular, so I’m enjoying the articles and photos.
Still expecting answers from Pedro….
Geez Jes, gimme some time, you’ve already scared the poor boy enough. Part answers:
– 5 year plan? No idea.
– Tamales? Unknown.
– Kids? Are cool.
– Friends w/ people on CD? Sure.
So, what’s unknown about the tamales?
If his mother can make them?
If his mother can make good ones?
If his mother lives near FedEx center?
You might know it already, but yuri’s night was mentioned on boingboing.net.