At 2:10 Pacific time, I was counting down the last five minutes awaiting first signal from the Mars Reconaissance Orbiter as it reemerged from behind Mars, successfully in orbit after a long journey. I watched the mission controllers cheer and clap with a silly smile on my face. It was sooooooooo cool. SO COOL. I hope I can be there again when MSL lands in five years.
Five hours later, I am back in my apartment.
Corporate jet is definitely the way to travel.
I was watching on NASA TV while in the gym last night (stupid gym, shows NASA TV and the news and that’s it!) It was really exciting, I wish I could’ve been there :). I kept looking to catch a glimpse of you guys and based on your camera phone angles, I feel like I should’ve seen you on TV, but I saw no sign of them. You gotta love JPL mission control — a major mission milestone and they’re all in polo shirts and I can’t even where that to a sim!