An 8:20 dentist appointment sounded like a really good idea when I scheduled it. I’d be up at a good hour, get the dentist out of the way for another six months, and even get to work by 9:30 or so. It sounded like a good idea…until I actually had to get up, and ended up in a dentist’s chair at the afore-mentioned 8:20 a.m., which is earlier than I’ve been at work in a loooong time. Well, except on sim days, anyway. I warned the dental hygenist that I might fall asleep. She just laughed.
So he wants to fill three small cavities. Three. “Oh, they’re small,” he says. “We can go ahead and do that, and the benefit is that the teeth will be numb so I can put some desensitizer on them.” (My teeth have become sensitive in the last few years. They think it might be because I clench them when I am stressed. This is plausible; I notice myself doing it sometimes.) Anyway, I wanted to stop and just say HELLO DENTIST DUDE. I brush and floss every freaking day, and this is what I get? Three cavities? What a bunch of crap!
So now I get to go back to the dentist next week. Twice in one week! What did I do to deserve that kind of torture?
Oh, and why is it that the dentist can always find time to fit you in sometime the next week — or even the next day — or even today (they asked if I could stay right then) — but I have to wait a month to get an appointment with other doctors?
Grr. Stupid dentist.
On a happier note, I totally rocked the new procedures in the sim last night. George had the case in the morning sim, when I was just observing. He did it right, but then second-guessed himself. They’re new procedures, and I would’ve done the exact same thing. But we worked it out in the morning sim, so when I had basically the same case in the evening sim, I knew exactly what to do. And at the end of the night, the FDO gave me props for it. Said it was about the smoothest he’d ever seen a new procedure go. YAY ME!
I would get a second opinion. Dentist make their money from drilling, and so when they find three things they want to drill, than i would be skeptical. I once had a dentist tell me that i would have to get a tooth crowned when the filling started to come out, but then went to ben’s dentist and he just refilled it. He is anti-drilling and if it doesn’t hurt and you are good about brushing and flossing, then he just watches it. he also has awesome computer x-ray machines.
LOL. I had my one and only crown pop out last weekend. It was interesting trying to get an appointment in an emergency.
“Does it hurt?”
“No, not really.”
“Well, how about Tuesday night then?”
Cool on the props.
I clench my teeth a lot too when I am stressed. After ten years of it, I have 5 crowns. I do most of my clenching when I’m sleeping, so a nighttime mouthguard has been really helpful.
But it’s expensive.
But it’s not as expensive as 5 crowns.
Sounds like you don’t have a very popular dentist. Don’s dad is booked up 3mo in advance…