After a long but busy week, I had enough hours to leave work before 4:00 today and get a pedicure.
The last time I had a pedicure was Tuesday, October 18, 2005. I remember this date for one reason: it was the day after Game 5 of the NLCS. That was the game where all of us in the stadium thought the Astros were about to go to the World Series. Where they were one out away. Where Albert Pujols hit a monster home run to send it to Game 6 in heart-stopping fashion. I was so bummed the next day that I got a pedicure to cheer myself up.
I must be the only girl alive who remembers when she had her last pedicure based on a baseball game.
I keep my nails short so I don’t typically get a manicure. But April through October…EVERYTHING is based on baseball. I am so ready for the regular season to begin!