We had the most awesome lunch break today — a stop at Quizno’s, followed by lunch at the park, following by the playground. We swung on the swings, slid down the slide, and generally acted like kids. The guys threw the football, and I made a new friend in the 3-year-old who was also at the playground wanting to swing. It was lovely and perfect and it’s sad that I’m now back at my desk.
I made cookies last night. They were slice-n-bake, left over from when Carter was here a couple months ago and randomly bought slice-n-bake at the store. But we never baked them, and they were coming up on their “use or freeze by” date. So I made them. And I still don’t understand why people use pre-packaged cookie dough. I mean, I get the fact that it’s easier and less messy and takes less time. But homemade cookies taste so much better! If you’re going to make cookies, you might as well go all out.
I have a relatively low-key weekend planned after a very hectic January. Today is Mike’s 23rd birthday (he’s our co-op) so we’re going out for dinner. People are going to a movie afterward but I’ll probably head home because I’m not interested in seeing Underworld 2, and I’m going to get up early tomorrow to run the Buffalo Wallow 6K. On Sunday I plan to do a whole lot of nothing, at least until 5:00 when I either have a soccer game or will be going to Rich’s Super Bowl party.
Sam says
Wow, that sounds like a great lunch. 🙂 I often head to Memorial park to eat while I people watch, but I need to incorporate some swings in there….although, according to Lisa’s news report from the other night, I might be afraid of coming up on someone with some “other” lunch time activities. 😛
See ya out a the Buffalo Wallow tomorrow! Good luck in your race.