So, you remember that logo I did a couple months ago for the Dragon Boat Festival? It was an extra credit project for my graphic design class. Well, a couple months went by without hearing anything, so I figured they’d chosen a different logo. Then, a couple weeks ago I got an invitation to the Dragon Boat Festival Kickoff Party last night at a bar downtown, saying that the winning logo would be announced at 8:00. I thought about going, but then forgot about it, not really wanting to drive downtown when I might lose. (Yes, I am that shallow.)
On Monday I got an email from a woman who works with the festival, saying that the judges really liked my logo and they just had a couple minor tweaks — making the face wider, and changing the text to reflect what they really wanted it to say. I sent that to them on Tuesday night. I got another email on Wednesday asking for one more tweak to the font and wording, along with a casual “they’d also like to know more about you and your background.” At this point I was feeling like I had a good shot at winning, so I decided to go to their kickoff party last night with the thought that it would be a bit annoying if they’d asked me for those tweaks and my logo didn’t even win.
Anyway, the party was ok, and I’m glad I went because my logo won! Hooray! Here is the logo for this year’s May festival, to be used on t-shirts and brochures and stickers and even temporary tattoos (which is my personal favorite item).
It was actually pretty embarassing, because they had this whole “reveal” thing where they pulled a cover off a posterboard that had my logo on it, along with the cheesy “about me” that I’d sent via email — word for word as I’d written it in the email! And I had to stand next to it so they could take my picture. And another girl from my class was there and kept saying “oh I knew they’d pick yours!” which was flattering, but also made me uncomfortable because while I obviously think that my design was awesome, I am always suspicious when other people agree with me.
I was both embarassed and excited.
Yep, I’m a freak.
That’s awesome, Sarah. Believe it or not, I think people are pretty sincere when they say your graphic/photo stuff is good.
So do you get EXTRA extra credit for actually winning the contest?
Totally Cool! I really like the design. Great job and congratulations!
That’s so cool.
Yay sistuh!
yay!! i better be able to snag one of those tattoos
Congrats, that’s awesome!
Whoa. Congratulations.
Also, was there a question about the freakness? I thought this was already definite? tteeeheee…no killing of the post folk
Yay, Congratulations! You’ll definitely have to go to the race and take pictures of everything with your logo on it!