It’s only a bit past 9:00 on a Saturday night and I can barely keep my eyes open. I had to get up at 6:00 this morning to shoot a race downtown. I think there is something wrong with me — lately I have been getting up earlier on the weekends than I do on a normal weekday.
One day I will actually catch up on my sleep, and then you can all stop reading about how tired I am.
The race went well for me as photographer, and seemed to go well for all the HRBers who ran — Jen, Joe, and speedy Sam who finished 4th overall! Go Sam. A bunch of other HRBers ran either the full or half marathon down on the beach in Surfside. Early reports indicate that it went well for everyone, despite cold and windy weather and a “sandstorm” or two! Congrats especially to Holden on his half marathon PR.
Jo was in town today for hula stuff, so we got to have dinner with her. It’s nice that she still makes it back to Houston on a regular basis even though she’s currently living in Nacogdoches.
I’m going to be watching a lot of the Olympics this week. I am such a sucker for the Olympics. I must be the epitome of the ideal Olympic viewer — I like the cheesy heart-warming human interest stories aimed at women and of course I actually like the sports part as well. But the best part is how we all get to become experts, for a short two weeks, in totally random sports. I mean, did you see that triple axel? And that guy on the luge hit 88 mph!
Ha ha.
On tap for tomorrow: sleeping till I can’t sleep anymore, starting to pack for Patagonia (less than a week away!!!), and a soccer game.
Sarah, I’m the same way about never sleeping in it seems. Even when I don’t have the alarm set, my internal alarm wakes me up early anyway.
Thanks for the kind words! I love watching Olympics too with the exception of sports that are judged. I’m all for Citius, Altius, Fortius. But must be measurable, not judged. Thus I’m not much into figure skating or synchronized swimming.