I ran last night. Yay!
3.25 miles
33:something (I forget)
10:21/mile (but I remember the pace)
189 average heart rate
I must get back to running regularly. Not running much since the Half is symptomatic of the fact that my life seems to have become an explosion of activity. I am doing too much, and not sleeping enough. This morning I hit the snooze button for an hour and a half. Yes, one and a half hours. Absurd. So I got to work at 9:15, which means I’ll have to stay late, which means I’ll probably go to bed late again, and the vicious cycle repeats itself.
Must. Get. Back. On. Somewhat. Normal. Schedule!
My head feels really weird today. Dizzy-like. It makes it hard to concentrate.
33.25 (using multiplication)
oops. I totally typed that wrong. 33.38.
good thing we didn’t have to throttle you. whatever that is.