Gavin commented at lunch today that he’s never seen me play with my hair until this week, saying “you must really be nervous.” This was interesting to me since I recently told someone that it was not a nervous habit, but rather just a habit. It’s one of the reasons I always consider cutting my hair back to shoulder length — so that I stop playing with it so much, and picking at my split ends. But maybe I was wrong. In that case, I’ve been nervous for like three weeks running.
(Tongue firmly in cheek .. because I’m just as guilty!) … BUT you could tell Gavin that you at least have some to play with.
Playing with your hair is a sign of flirting.
Disclaimer: I don’t know who Gavin is and it could also be a sign of nervousness. Just providing a different perspective
Hmm, in that case, Jen aka Gavin’s wife is not going to be happy with me…
lol. Have a good trip.