There was some crazy guy on the radio this morning talking about diets. Saying carbs are bad, the best food is steak, and you can lose weight with just 15 minutes of exercise twice per week. Said that if you went running for an hour a day for 40 days straight, you would lose no body fat because you’re not burning fat, you’re burning calories. Said we’re all going to become diabetic because we eat too much sugar. The worst part? He kept repeating that this was all “based in science” and that he “is from MIT” and he “has read the 1200-page Physiological textbook” or whatever. He was throwing out all these bits of supposed credibility.
Sigh. I hate always hearing about these fad diets. There’s one big way to lose weight: take in fewer calories, and burn more calories, than you are now. Or: EAT LESS, EXERCISE MORE. Seems pretty simple, even though I have issues with it myself. It’s hard to eat less and exercise more. Food is good, and exercise can be unpleasant. But hey, that’s what works. People pay attention to the fad diets because they’re looking for an easy way out, but there isn’t an easy solution.
At least the DJs interspersed his comments with a clip of a cuckoo clock chiming. That was funny.
I’m wearing my pearls today, the ones Brian gave me for Christmas. They came from China. I dunno if they’re real or not, so I’m going to say that they are. I’m also going to call them my Communist Pearls. I’m wearing my Commie Pearls.
Oh, and my iPod? Still possessed. Sigh. Looks like I’ll be making a trip to the Galleria this weekend for a new one.
Perhaps it was Kevin Trudeau … lol
Sounds like another version of Atkins. I tried that for a while – lost a good amount of weight, but I never had the energy to really put in a good exercise session. Plus, I was pretty grumpy all the time. Carbs…good.
Back when I was in college, MIT stood for “Made In Taiwan. Perhaps due to jealousy because Illinois’ engineering program was always rated #2, behind MIT.
I cannot give up fresh out of the oven french bread. Non non non, monsieur.
There is always something goofy going on in weight loss land.
Have you seen those infomercials for the sauna belts? You wear them around your waist for an hour and they are supposed to burn fat. They actually show people sweating around their stomach.
They measure people before and after they wear the sauna belt. It is so obvious that they are holding the tape measure tighter for the after measurement.
This has got to be one of the cheesiest weight loss gadgets ever.
Even though it has been recently debated, I’ll still make the claim that the laws of thermodynamics (1st and 2nd) apply here. Regardless of what you eat, if you consume less calories then amount of calories you burn during the day then you will lose weight. Simple concept.
If following a fad diet, or low fat, or low carb or whatever diet allows you to consume fewer calories then you burn then you’ll lose weight.
But don’t actually buy a new iPOD in the Galleria Mall, too expensive. Ther eis a Best Buy right on Richmond and 610 feeder.