My first assignment for my web design class is to gather 10 photos and process them, for eventual use on an interactive, self-designed gallery page. I know, it’s an easy assignment, but whatever. I have a bunch of ideas and can’t decide which to do. You can vote:
+ World Series Game 4 (already processed, and obviously it makes an awesome gallery subject)
+ Running photos(pick one of the races I’ve shot and do 10 from that, the con being that most running photos look the same)
+ “Day in the life” (take 10 pictures in one day and use that as the theme)
+ Aerial photos (10 of the zillions of photos I’ve snapped from the window seat on commercial flights)
+ Inca Trail (because it was awesome)
+ Yosemite (could do a graphic of Half Dome as the page background)
I want to pick something that will make it fun to design the background of the gallery page. You know — baseball stuff if I choose World Series, or an airplane if I choose aerial shots. I also want to impress the class with my photography, so I want to make sure that whatever I choose, I have ten really good photos…
I can see why you are having a hard time deciding. I vote for either World Series or Yosemite. I think both of those sets will have a good variety for you to show off your prowess.
The same? C’mon … foam antlers and stand up JoePa’s? How can you say that *all* race photos look alike?
World Series is a once in a lifetime deal (well, living in Houston it might be.) I’d go with that!
I’d rather see a day in the life series. But if it were me I’d go with the photos I thought were the best.
This will be no help at all, but I have yet to see a collection of posted pictures by you that weren’t very, very good. Your class will be impressed, regardless of what you end up choosing.
Well, Yosemite is cool but I think running is more original. You have some really great running shots.
I’ve gotta go with the WS. Nobody else will have photos like that!
I’d got with running. The classs is a web design class, not a photography class, and I’ll be regardless of which set you choose they’ll be at the top. Everyone knows baseball, but I bet a lot fewer folks have had and captured the running experiences you have. Same goes for Yosemite.
Or, the Inca Trail… I imagine more people have gone running or to Yosemite than Peru. Actually, I think your running photos are boring :), so maybe I’m prejudiced. World Series would be good too, those are pretty unique photos.
I’ve always liked the “day in the life of…” books that were published about 10 years ago.
I’d go with centipede photos
I like the WS shots or running shots
I’ve some neat window seat pix– I’d love to see yours, that gets my vote