I will go running tonight. Somebody throttle me if I don’t.
I am planning to do the Buffalo Wallow 6K on Saturday morning. My worry, however, is that I am too slow. The Masters Men start at 8:00, Women (all ages) at 8:45, and Open Men at 9:30. I estimate it will take me somewhere around 38:00 to run a cross-country 6K. (An 11:00/mile pace would be right at 40:00.) That’s getting pretty close to the men’s start time! Eek.
I began my MS150 fundraising in earnest with a massive email yesterday. If I somehow didn’t spam you with that email and you’d like to sponsor my ride, you can donate here. Thanks!
How do we see how much you’ve managed to get donated?
That sounds so fun Sarah! Have you run CC before? If not, you should definitely do it.
Hmm. I don’t know Leila. I’ll see what I can do.