I was just thinking about that saying, the one that says “good things come in threes.” I always thought it was a bunch of hooey. (Side note. Hooey. What a great word.) Anyway, I always thought it was a bunch of hooey…until this week. This week “good things come in threes” has been proven true in the most unexpected of ways.
And that’s all I got to say ’bout that for now.
Threes are also true of bad things. Be careful. People are born in threes, die in threes, it is wierd. There is a reason for the Holy TRINITY.
Did you participate in that pluto launch thing?
Nah, I had nothing to do with the Pluto mission, I just think it’s very cool. Well, ok, I had a very small part to do with the Pluto mission. I made some footprints that weren’t used, because the launch went well and thus we didn’t have to comb the ocean floor looking for a lost radioactive RTG.