I have been trying to convince Jose to come to Patagonia with us. I have sent him numerous breathtaking pictures, and today I even sent a limerick:
There once was a guy named Jose
who thought Patagonia was way
cool (’cause there’s ice)
and the penguins are nice
so he bought his plane ticket today!
“Ha,” I thought. “I am so clever. How can he resist a trip like this, especially when he would be with someone as clever as myself?”
In response, I got a haiku:
I want to go really
Penguins and glaciers, why not?
If I had known sooner
Apparently he is a bit clever himself.
Though I chose not to point out that his haiku has too many syllables…
When are you going to Patagonia? After reading that you were going a while ago, I got it in my head that I wanted to, too, so now my friend from work and I are seriously discussing going in September and I was going to pick your brain for suggestions and advice! Can you email me your email address so I can burden you with questions?