First of all, congratulations to Andrew aka Jelly Santelli!! He ran his first half marathon today down at Disney World in a very respectable 2:27:57. On Sunday I’m going to try to match his time. Way to go Jelly!
I’ve fallen off the training wagon in the last month, but at this point, with the half marathon coming up next Sunday, I’m as ready as I’m going to get.
Two years ago I was totally in Half Marathon mode as I prepared for my first 13.1-mile run ever in January 2004. It was a big deal to me. Last year I was totally in Marathon mode as I prepared for my first 26.2-mile run ever in January 2005. It was an even bigger deal to me. This year… Well, oddly enough, the Half has sort of snuck up on me. I’ve been talking about it and training for it, but having already done two halves and one full marathon, this Sunday doesn’t seem like such a big deal.
I sort of miss that anticipation, that feeling of “I’m about to do something I’ve never done before.” That’s not to say that I’m not looking forward to the race, or that I think the Half this year is any less of an accomplishment than it was the first time I did it (in fact, this year it will probably be more since I’ve been lax on my training!).
It’s just a thought.
Today I didn’t want to go running. I fear I am becoming a Joe “I Hate Running” Breda protege. But today I really didn’t want to go. I’d told myself a few days ago that I’d do 6-7 miles today, but my brain and body compromised and I did 3 miles. BUT I did them in 30:28 for a 10:09/mile average. I was really huffing and puffing at the end.
Sarah, I think what you are experiencing is pretty normal. When Jessica and I ran this morning, I shared with her that I’ve accomplished all of my original goals and the question is, “Now what?”
Do I wish that I was ready to log another Houston full next Sunday? Yes, but I have a job to do – and that is far more important. :))
If all of us in “Bloggerville”, as Mr. Schroeder put it, lived close, we’d just go harass each other in person and get it done together.
Get a couple of runs in this week, rest up, eat up Friday night and kick ass on Sunday.
I think we should set the Sarah/Waverly over/under at 30 minutes – meaning that your goal should be to beat her by 30 minutes.
That’s a fun motivator!
Our plan is to try to go as long as we can as close to 13 min/mile if the weather is like it was on Friday and Saturday. And she did the course two weeks ago in 3:02+.