Running in Charlotte is blissful. The streets are pretty, the air seems clearer, and I don’t even mind the hills — at least not too much.
Yesterday Katie and I did 3 miles together in 32:30 (10:50/mile). It was my first run since the 10.7 miles I did last Sunday, so I was definitely due! We headed out as the sun was going down and gabbed the whole time. I’m sure I talked a lot more than she did. I like being able to run with her when I’m home. We had early Christmas tonight — she and Joel got to open all their presents, and we got to open ours from them. They’re leaving early tomorrow morning to spend Christmas with his family in Seattle, but we’ve gotten to hang out together the past two days. Joel fits into our family just like another brother. I’m glad my sister married such a funny guy.
Today I ran alone and followed a 4.5 mile route I found online — and then modified it for me. (Yay Google Pedometer!) I added a bit here and there and ended up doing 4.9 miles in 51:54, or 10:36/mile. I certainly did not realize I’d been going quite that fast, but was pleasantly surprised when I did the math at the end. That explains why I was feeling pretty tired in spots, especially the uphill portions! Heh.
Since I’m on vacation, I’m hoping to fit in a run almost every day for the next week. I really enjoy running around my neighborhood since I make it back to Charlotte only once or twice a year. It’s a very refreshing change of scenery. I know I won’t get a run on the 26th because we head up to Chapel Hill for lunch with my aunt, but hopefully every other day.
I’m aiming to do a 12-miler on the 27th. I even found a route online that goes right by my house! Perfect. I used that same website for running routes last year when I was doing marathon training. After Christmas I emailed the webmaster to tell him how much I appreciated his routes; I’m glad to see the site is still there.
Hmmm … Bloggers working on kicking ass on marathon day! (Maybe Waverly does need a blog as she keeps saying, “Our group” as in, “Who in our group is running the half?” … lol) Merry Christmas!