One of the best things in the entire world is not sleeping. Rather, it’s that moment in the morning after you’ve woken up when you hit the snooze button, roll over, snuggle the covers up around your head, and sink back into the bed. That is one of the best things in the entire world.
Of course, it’s something I’ve been experiencing a little bit too often lately. After working 9.5 hours yesterday thanks to my morning sim, I stumbled in today just after 9:00. Without coffee, since I’m trying very hard to limit my Starbucks intake. And that’s when I remembered that I’m out of coffee filters for the machine here in the office. Sigh.
The good news is that I may be closing in on resolving my neural net’s issues — the sim versus the real world. Or actually, the sim of the sim versus the sim of the real world. Too many sims.
I was just reading a bit on a graphic design blog and came across one of my biggest pet peeves: people who write “loose” when they mean “lose.” They are two entirely different words. And it’s a design blog! You’re in a career that’s all about appearances! Learn to spell, or at least use spell-checker!
This concludes my rambling.
oooo, but spell-checkers wouldn’t catch loose if you mean lose. word might (the grammar feather) but not spell-checker.
The BEST feature of Safari is how it is spelling checking this field as i type in it. (google toolbar does that also) i love spell checkers. though they are the reason i can’t spell – that and the way my brain works.
Oh that’s true about the spell-checker and loose vs lose, good point. Hmm. Hadn’t thought about that…people should just think about what they want to say then. Win or LOSE. My tooth is LOOSE.
I’m in the habit of always re-reading whatever I’m about to post or send or hand it to catch stuff like that.
I guess we can’t be friends then. How many times have you pointed out my spelling errors! : )
I think somehow Mom gave us a dislike for bad grammar by osmosis or something, because I am the same way.
So, you mean to say “hand in”, right, and not “hand it”? Did you not check that?
I’m the same way; drives me nuts.
Touche, Cari. I don’t double check my comments.
Carter, I’ve given up on correcting your loose vs lose but don’t think I don’t notice it EVERY TIME.
As Katie said, it’s genetic.
I am going to have to respectfully disagree here. I think one of the worst feelings is when the alarm goes off and I hit the snooze, because it is close to time for me to get up. The best feeling for me is when I wake up at 5:30 a.m. on a Saturday and I snuggle back to sleep knowing that there will be NO alarm.
I think the best thing in the world is when you wake up on Saturday morning, and then realize it is Saturday, you don’t have to get up until you like, and THEN you sink back into the covers and sleep again.