Home again, home again, jiggity jog. Charlotte is cold! The pilot came on the speaker last night as the plane descended (half an hour late) to say that the temperature was 26 degrees. I live in Texas now, people. I can’t handle it. It is sad and pathetic because I used to like the cold. Now I only like it if I’m running. Brr.
My grandmother just headed to bed and stopped to ask if I was updating my blog. She seemed surprised when I said “yes.” Funny.
Not much to say, actually, other than I’m home for the holidays and home is nice. Mom and Katie and I went to the mother/daughter lunch with the Mickles, Easts, and Diehls today so that was fun. Mom and I went to Huntersville to pick up Grandmother, Katie and I went for a run, Joel got here after working his final day before vacation, and we spent the evening eating pizza, playing spoons and Scattergories, and laughing. My family is awesome.
I’ll second the cold comment!
I’ve lived in Houston all my life and anything below 40 is uncomfortable to me, running or not!
Brian likes the cold! Also according to my blog stats your grandmother checked out my blog the other day linking through your’s. As I told Katie, that’s pretty cool that she’s technology literate. My gparents have a computer but have no clue how to use it.
Ha, that’s funny. She probably thought you were my brother Brian.
Yeah that was my theory.