This morning my JPL counterpart and I gave our presentation to a huge room full of probably 200 people, including the Deputy Director of JSC and the Director of JPL along with many other managers and space policy movers and shakers. It was both the largest group I think I’ve ever spoken to, as well as the most distinguished. And I’m happy to say that it went really, really well!
I got many compliments on the presentation (people always say I speak well, but I rarely believe them) and I think our ideas were well-received. Now we shall see if we actually get funding for any of them, and if our collaborative efforts will continue…
After a hectic beginning of this week with the conference and visiting JPLers occupying my schedule, the next two days look to calm down nicely. I’ve set myself a goal of getting some significant reading done in my flight controller training, since according to the schedule I’ll be sitting in the hot seat before the year is out. Exciting! But a bit scary as well. At this point, I could only do the job if someone were sitting right behind me telling me what to say. Which is probably how my first few sims will go! But that’s how I learn, I guess.