Last night in softball I totally made a Lance Berkman-esque play. Or Albert Pujols-esque. Or Paul Konerko-esque. Oh, just pick your favorite first baseman.
Anyway, I totally scooped up the ball on the bounce as it was on its way back up and make the third out and saved a couple runs. I was so excited I couldn’t even pretend to be nonchalant. I cheered for myself. Yay me.
In the bottom half of the inning we didn’t score and therefore lost the game by 2 runs, but hey — I made a good play. It made up for my crappy hitting. Afterwards I went to the batting cages with Jason and Debbie, where I hit ever so much better, as usual. Sigh.
I was at work until 7:30, just before the softball game, since I got in so late after waiting for the DSL man. There was something very peaceful about the office for the last couple hours, after everyone else had gone home and as the sky faded to black outside my window. It was quiet, and I just sat contentedly listening to my music. I often feel very unproductive in the mornings, but on the few occasions where I stay late, I always get a lot done. It’s not that I’m not a morning person. I think it’s just that my “peak productivity” time of day is late afternoon and early evening. Unfortunately for my work, I’m usually headed home by then!
I’ll be running the Through the Brooks 10K tomorrow morning down here in Clear Lake. Anyone else out there planning to do it? If not, you at least have to run on Sunday — it’s World Run Day!
good luck tomorrow
We’ll be Running for the Saints out I-10 somewhere!