Last night I felt completely ambivalent about running, but since I’d brought my clothes to work I went ahead to the Gilruth to do 3 miles on the newly repaved trails.
I’m in a rather unfortunate place with my running right now. My right knee continues to ache, not getting any worse but also not getting any better. Add to that a wicked burning sensation in my ankles and legs that lasts for at least the first mile and a half. Put those two together and I am not a happy runner. GAAAAAH. It shouldn’t be that painful to run. And I don’t know why it is. And it makes me not want to run anymore.
With ample walking breaks to attempt to ease the burning, I did 3 miles in 35:00, or 11:40/mile. My average heart rate was only 172 — that is low for me, which indicates how much walking I really did. A bunch.
I want to run again, and I want it to be fun again, and I want it to be not painful again. At the moment, it is neither fun nor painless and that frustrates me immensely.
I’m calling the orthopedic doc again today. I want to go back about my knee, and perhaps he can give me advice about the burning ankles as well. And I’m gonna try another short run tonight. I have a full calendar of races I plan to do between now and Christmas, and I want to be able to do them and still feel good.
Maybe you should try cross-training. Biking, swimming, rollerblading, etc put less stress on your joints so they might help. If it hurts I would say you should stop or take a break because you can’t be doing yourself much good. You could try walking a longer distance to get your workouts or something. Feel better sistah!
Sarah- I think its just that getting back into the swing of things feeling. getting started up again is always hard. it took me a least a month of very consistant every other day running to get back to where it is fun again. and each time it sucked and felt like I was grinding it out. it’s still not as easy as it was before I got hurt, but its getting better each time.
That ankle pain must be getting around. I’m still nursing mine and have not run since Sunday.