Last night I added a few albums to my photo gallery, including snapshots from the second of my two trips to JPL and from this past weekend’s trip to Washington DC. Be warned — neither gallery is all that interesting. But the photos are there. Oh, and the DC photos consist of exactly two things: the Air and Space Museum and the Mall. If you don’t like airplanes and spacecraft, you won’t like my pictures!
I doubt there was much trick-or-treating going on in Houston last night. As I left work around 5:30 it started to pour down rain, in wind-blown sheets, and there was lightning everywhere. This continued at least through 7:00, when I went to class. By the time I got out at 9:00 it had stopped, so hopefully some kiddies got to go out later.
Our next assignment for class is to come up with a story for a children’s book (any age group) and illustrate a page from it. Not a cover or title page, but one of the inner pages. I have a few ideas swirling around my head including re-illustrating a page of a story I wrote when I was in 3rd grade about a goose that couldn’t fly (Mom is mailing me the book I wrote and illustrated then), writing a new story about Bernard the Bat who lives in Carlsbad Caverns and illustrating the bats flying out of the cave, and writing an educational story about the next Mars rover and illustrating it comic book-style.
After last night’s storm it is beautiful outside today. Wish I were outside instead of in here…
um, so, where is the WS game 4 gallery? what kind of tease puts pics from this weekend, and no game 4 pics?