I’m looking for feedback on an extra credit project for my graphic design class. The idea is to design a logo for the local Dragon Boat Festival, and it’s actually a competition. The winning design will be printed on brochures and t-shirts and such. The parameters are fairly limiting — it has to be able to be reduced to a single color, which means even if I put all sorts of colors in, I’d lose them in printing.
Comments? Suggestions? I don’t have too much more time to work with it, but as is my tendency with stuff like this, I’m feeling like something is missing. Here are a couple slightly different versions.

Same as above without the bulbous nose:

Same as the first but with no snake-ish tongue:
Maybe it’s just me, but it took me a moment to realize that the head is supposed to be a dragon.
I really like your design concept, Sarah. The head is dragon-like, but not as bovious as it could be.
Its the horns, I think the way they are now make it seem less dragon-like. I definitely think you should stick with the lizard tongue. The oars look a little like wine glasses.
I like the top one. Have you tried giving him some teeth?
Gavin & Jen O — what does it look like if not a dragon? What would make it more dragon-like? Obviously it should be a dragon.
Becca — yeah, I’m going to work on the horns a bit at Bini, Matt and George’s suggestion. Maybe angle them out, and make them more pointy.
Jen M — yes, I’m going to add teeth, as Bini and George also suggested.
before i read was it was supposed to be I thought it was some sort of weird cow. Sorry!
Now that I know what it is supposed to be, I like #1 the best. Teeth would be good. It might be easier to tell what it is if you did a profile view.
teeth would help, but I think the main thing that defines a dragon (well when all you can see is the head) is FIRE. If you could incorporate this somehow i think it would help. I also agree teeth, snake tongue, and more dragon like horns would be good.
I agree with the feedback on the face. Because of the shape of the jowls and the placement of eyes the head shape, to me is the weakest point. Consider separating the eyes more or creating more of a perception that the sockets are raised out from the head. Dragon snouts tend to be narrow so the eyes need to appear to be farther apart. Difficult to do given the perspective form which you are drawing this and the need to minimize detail.
You do have an artistic flair nonetheless.
I agree with the consensus that you need to angle the blades for the oars more also.
Fire is good, but may be difficult to draw effectively.
Cassie — profile would be good, but what I didn’t say is that the past 3 logos have all been in profile. I decided to go for something different.
Nancy — good feedback on the head shape. Yours combined with Gavin’s “it should be rounder” comments have me sketching a slightly different face shape that might work better. I’m going to move the eyes a bit as well.
Teeth are definitely being added. Horns will be worked on.
Another thought: maybe make the tongue stick out of the mouth. I think it would help with the “reptile” feel.
Jen — I already had a 4th version with the tongue sticking out that I plan to use, just didn’t post it here.
I like the first one.