I had a thoroughly enjoyable long Veteran’s Day weekend with Carter visiting, but alas, he is now winging his way back to Atlanta until another three years pass and I convince him again that Texas is worth visiting. Or at least that I am worth visiting.
When he arrived on Thursday night his suitcase threw up all over my living room floor. It sort of annoyed me all weekend, his stuff everywhere. Of course, now I am sort of annoyed that his stuff is not everywhere. Such is life. I love having visitors.
In between hockey games, multiple episodes of Firefly, and miscellaneous athletic activities (running and soccer), we relaxed and enjoyed the unseasonably warm weather. Or, rather, Carter enjoyed the warm weather while I complained about the humidity. Yesterday was HOT. After the 8.4K race in the morning, and getting a bit overheated there, I didn’t cool down all freaking day.
This tends to happen to me after hot races — I just seem to stay hot all day. I was hot at the race. I was hot sitting at Starbucks afterwards while waiting for Carter to get out of the morning service at Lakewood Church (I know, random). I was hot when we went flying with Becca (granted, the plane has no air, but still). I was hot playing soccer, even though I barely ran at all because the other team was so bad. I was hot when I went to bed last night and had to trade in my standard t-shirt for a tank top. When I woke up this morning, after turning the a/c down to 70 degrees but still wearing afore-mentioned tank top, I was finally cold. Ahhhhhh, glorious cold.
And yep, you heard it, yesterday Becca took Carter and me flying and there are photos in the gallery. It was fun, and we didn’t die.
Don’t tell me you were at the Buffalo Speedway Starbucks after the race. Manuel and I were there too. We live beside Lakewood church!
Hmm. I was at a Starbucks but honestly I don’t know which one! It was *near* Buffalo Speedway but I’m not sure it was on it. It was on Westheimer I think…near the shopping center with the big red bows on the roofs of the stores! Yeah. If you live around there you probably can figure it out. I don’t know that area nearly as well as I should.
Planning school is getting to me. I look at those pics and think “aaaah the sprawl!!!”
Ah, to live in a well-planned community again. To be able to walk to work and the grocery store. And to have personality and not look like every house came out of the same mold. Ah. One day.
I’m in the same boat with Katie, I thought the same thing.