3 miles, 34:46 = 11:35/mile
Average heart rate = 171
My training schedule said Tuesday called for 3 easy miles. And from the pace listed above, it certainly seems like the run should have been easy. Alas, it wasn’t. The leg pain came back. Again. Annoyingly again.
At least the weather was good! I ran about half an hour after the long-awaited cold front blew through in a torrent of rain and lightning. It was still pretty windy outside, but the rain had stopped and the temperature had fallen to a lovely 62 degrees. With the slow pace, I never felt tired. I just felt pain.
And that’s what I’ve got to fix, somehow. Is it possible that I have slight Achilles tendonitis? That’s where the pain always begins, before migrating around to the front of my ankles as well. After getting new shoes a week and a half ago, I had two runs where my legs felt decent (including Sunday’s 8.4K). But last night…not so good.
Maybe it’s a strength thing. My next idea is to look up some exercises or stretches that will strengthen my ankles.
I ran behind for you two miles and since I’m trying to correct my form I tend to review everyone elses! LOL! You can tell me to shut up if you like. I’ll email you my thoughts…
Cassie, I’d love to hear your ideas. I *know* I have a funky form, and at the least, I know I do a weird kickout thing with my right leg that I’ve never been able to straighten out…