You know, I have given poor Becca an enormous amount of crap in our years of living together (at Tech), traveling together, and sharing an office (’till she dumped me this spring for the glamorous life of a flight controller). But I must also give her credit for introducing me to the tiny slice of heaven that is…a pedicure.
Last night in my completely bummed out state, I decided to skip the running and do something nice for me. So I battled the vicious suburban traffic and went to our “favorite” nail place. There was no one else there when I walked in and I thought maybe it was too late, but nope! I’d swear the woman could tell that I was in a crappy mood because she took an extra long time (compared to the usual at that place) to let me soak my feet and then spent an extra long time rubbing lotion on my feet and legs. It was glorious. I felt so much better afterwards, not to mention that I now have pretty pink toenails.
On my way home I drove back into a couple neighborhoods near the nail place. I knew there were roads that led back there, but had never gone into the area. My first thought was: WOW there are some nice houses back there (a lot of the land is on the water). My second though was: this is my new favorite neighborhood in Clear Lake. I don’t really know why, other than the fact that it seemed quiet and secluded despite being just off a very busy road. That feeling was probably enhanced by the knowledge that I’ve driven that very busy road many times and never known all those houses were there.
I’ve had the thought of buying a house or townhouse lately, mainly because I’m starting to get itchy in my apartment (I think). I like changes of scenery, and changes in living space. It seems dumb to leave my current apartment for just another apartment and so I’ve been thinking of buying, but I don’t really have the money, not to mention I could never afford my “ideal” house anyway. There were some really great townhouses back there though. Great enough that I can’t resist going to look up the prices. I’m sure they’re far more than I could ever afford.
I’m feeling good about the Astros again. Yesterday was the day to wallow; today is the day to get PUMPED for them to win tonight. As Edgar said on Monday as we left the ballpark in various states of dejection, “Roy’s gonna be nails.” And he is. I know he is.
Make sure you account for your weekly pedicure if you buy there.
Some of those Davis Rd townhouses are quite reasonable (like $150K for 1500 sqft). I came very close to buying one, but decided I wanted more space, but now I think it would be worth the tradeoff for the water & no yard. Check out
ahhh the joys of being a a girl. I need to treat myself to a mani/pedi too
I’m a runner. What toenails?