Wow. Wow, wow, wow, WOW.
I smelled the cigars, stood on the mound, and narrowly avoided getting sprayed with champagne. The only downside is that it wasn’t the Astros celebrating. Brandon Backe pitched his heart out, giving the best performance of the series. But it’s not enough when your team can’t score runs. Regardless, I’m proud of the Astros. They had another magical season, and finishing ahead of 28 teams and only behind 1…well, that ain’t bad.
Tons of details and tons of photos to come.
I told you the best part would be being on the field for the postgame celebration, but yeah it stinks that it’s not your team.
I think I jinxed them because I would watch for awhile then when I turned off the TV the Sox would somehow score runs. I guess you can be used to losing in the WS because you used to be a Braves fan.
Did you see they linked to your site on the Chronicle blog? Hope the server can take it!