My half of the 20K relay this morning was one of my most painful runs ever, but I’m happy to report that the outcome was great! The Blogstas (that would be Cassie and me) combined to finish in 2:12:48. Cassie rocked the first half in 1:04:46 (and she’s coming back from injury, people!) while I took a leisurely 2-mile walk to the exchange point with Curt (who was running with Debbie), Jessica (who I met in person for the first time), and other relay runners. We were passed by the lead runners before we had even walked the couple miles out there! We also spotted Jon riding in the police pace car! Sweet ride, Jon.
I didn’t see Cassie go past, but her boyfriend Manny told me she was just a couple minutes away. After a quick chip exchange, off I went. I must have been excited about running in a race for the first time since June, because I took off and did the first mile in 10:00 flat — WAY too fast for me at my current level of fitness, especially since I hadn’t done 10K since the spring. I felt it immediately, as my legs immediately began to burn.
This is a recurring problem for me, and is always especially bad after I’ve taken an extended break from serious running. Whatever muscle it is that runs up the front of your ankle and up the outside of your shin bone — that’s what tightens. That’s what burns. I stopped to walk a couple short bits in the first 1.5 miles hoping that would help the muscle loosen, and as I walked I felt like my feet were just slapping the ground, as if I had no control over my ankles. It’s hard to explain. I feel like there must be some stretch I can do to lessen the problem, but I haven’t found it yet.
Anyway. I worried momentarily that I might not be able to make it the whole way, but by mile 2 the burning was starting to subside. Miraculously, I was still maintaining about a 10:30 pace. As I passed the finish line to begin the third and final lap of the race, I saw Jon again, sans police car this time.
As I headed back out Allen Parkway I got into a bit of a groove. The run was hard, but the pain in my legs had subsided to a dull ache and I found myself thinking that I should just keep pushing so that I could be as far as possible before the inevitable bonk! With 5K down (and 15K for The Blogstas) I spotted Holden stretching by the side of the road. I hollered at him, and we chatted for a few minutes before he left me in the dust.
I managed to keep him in my sights for most of the rest of the race though, so whether he knows it or not, he was pacing me!
Since I had the second half of the relay, I had to deal with the sun. It wasn’t particularly hot (which is very good) but it was annoying to have it in my face. As a result, I stared at the pavement a lot. By the time I passed the 12-mile marker (0.4 left) I knew I was going to end up with a good run despite the fact that I was so tired and my legs were really hurting. I picked up the pace just a bit, passed Jon one more time, and even managed to sprint the last hundred yards to the finish. I only saw Curt — I ran right past Cassie and Manny and didn’t see them, and they didn’t see me. That’s cause I’m so speedy.
My 10K time — 1:07:51, or 10:57/mile. By my watch, anyway, though the official time says 1:08:02. I guess there were a couple seconds of chip transfer, etc.
I am really happy with my run. I hadn’t done that distance or that pace in months, and I’m pumped that things came together today despite the many aches and pains and issues. It was great to finally meet Cassie and Manny and Jessica as well (and Vic, I must have missed you!). Debbie and Curt finished their relay in style, with Debbie running a 10K for the first time ever and Curt getting in a good run after his marathon a few weeks ago. Michelle did the entire 20K as she continues to prepare for the marathon in January. All in all, everyone I talked to had a good day!
Now go read Cassie’s report!
Its because the weather couldn’t be more perfect! I took the dogs on a long walk this morning, and I was purposely slowing myself down just to make my walk last longer
(Or perhaps its because I knew when I returned home, I had to do homework).
congrats on a good run. sounds like a lot of bloggers were out there. hate that i missed it, but it was worth running in Huntsville yesterday.
You came.. you ran.. you conquered!
Good job on toughing it out after a drought of running!
so*much*fun! ok, deep breath. I have been in such a good mood all day! It was very fun being your race partner and you did *SO* awesome! I felt bad that you had the sun in your face
Boo on that. Next year I’ll go second and take on the sun. yay us, 10th place out of 48!!
Ok here’s my first piece of running advice ever so take it as you may since I’m definitely far from being an expert. I know the pain you’re referring to with the shin muscle or whatever it is. I googled it once and found a stretch after much searching that seems to have helped me (but maybe my legs are getting somewhat more used to the pounding of the pavement). Anyway, stand next to something you can hold on to and roll back on your heels with your toes elevated. Now roll onto the outside of your feet and then through to your toes and end up standing on your toes. After standing on your toes reverse the motion to end up back on your heels. I usually do it about 4 or 5 times before running. It’s seemed to help the pain even though I do get it sometimes.
Way to go, girl! it was so nice to meet you as well. keep up the running and I will see you at the starting line of the Half!
WOW!!! Two great reports (yours and Cassie’s). Great run after your time off. I was holding the sign at the finish trying to corral the finishers into the chute and all others from accidently cheating.
Hi Sarah! Sorry for not saying “Bye!” I kindda just dazed and pressed on. (So rude…) I got a surge of renewed energy after running with you for a bit. Good race!
Hey! I guess we did run into each other briefly after the 20K. We’ll have to make sure to say hi next time.
Are you running the 25K in Nov? Congrats on your awesome run on Sunday!!!!