It was one game. We are still up 3 games to 2. The Astros still have two more chances to win the NLCS.
But it was a crushing loss. One minute I was screaming. The next minute I was chewing on my towel in a flood of nerves. Pujols was up, and Pujols was due. The third minute I collapsed into my seat as if the wind had been knocked out of me. It was the first time I’d sat down since the 7th inning.
One out away. One strike away. I suppose this is why you play to 27 outs, and not 26.
But we have two more chances to win, and two more awesome pitchers lined up. I still think I’ll see a World Series.
Go Astros!!
*sigh* I told a friend I thought I would cry if the Astros won tonight. After Pujols’ hit, I told him I was going to cry, but not out of happiness.
If only they had walked Pujols…
But I agree with you – we’re going to the WS. It’s just going to take one more game, that’s all.
Gimme an R!
Gimme an O!
Gimme a Y!
What’s that spell?
Roy…PLEASE pitch a complete game!
They will do it Wednesday. And if given the opportunity again, I hope Lidge goes right after Pujols again, and does what he’s done to him everytime before this last one….