I’m in California! Yes! Pasadena, to be specific. The weather is lovely and the streets are cute and quaint. It reminds me a lot of Palo Alto, except Pasadena is bigger. I can see the mountains out my window. Ahhhhh.
But on to bigger problems — somehow the charger for my laptop did not make it into my bag. I wrapped it up last night, and it’s probably sitting happily on my coffee table right now. GRR. Gavin’s work laptop, also a Dell, doesn’t have the same connector. When we went out for dinner, I even found an Office Max and I spent freaking $70 on an adaptor with 6 different plugs — none of which fit my laptop. So now I’m $70 down and have 2 hours left of the battery life with which to do as much as I can of what I’d planned to do over the next few days when I’m not at the design review (namely: homework, my footprint paper for the Nice conference, and a bit more work on the RRCA convention website).
Make sure to have an In-N-Out Double-Double Animal Style for me!