Ah, the weekend. It was full.
Friday night was the long-awaited (for some) and the awaited-for-a-mere-week (for others, including me) opening night of Serenity, and it didn’t disappoint. Without giving away too many spoilers for anyone who hasn’t seen it yet, here are my reactions: I can’t believe so-and-so died! It’s about damn time so-and-so hooked up! And of course, the multitude of great dialog: “I’m a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar.” “This is the captain, we have a little problem with our entry sequence so we may experience some slight turbulence and then explode.” “Explode? I don’t wanna explode!” “Did the primary buffer panel just fall off my gorram space ship for no apparent reason?” “The hell with this, I’m gonna live!” “No one’s saying that. No one but Jayne is saying that.” “You were watching? You see us fight? Trap.”
I don’t see it coming back as a TV show, which is disappointing. If it does come back, I’ll jump for joy, but I just don’t see it, especially after certain developments. Too much happened in the movie, too many huge world-changing events. It’d be tough to go back to the day-in day-out gritty jobs that made the TV show so entertaining. And then there’s the whole pace of TV versus the movies — as a TV show, there’s enough time week in and week out to develop each of the characters and grow to empathize with them in ways that you can’t do in a 2-hour feature film. While the movie is entertaining enough, I think, for people who have never seen the TV show, there are also a lot of little things happening that mean so much more if you’ve already watched 14 episodes worth of character development. The heart of the show, even though it was short-lived, wasn’t the sci-fi part or the western part or the guns or the spaceship. The heart of the show was the characters, and how they formed their own little family.
Still, there are so many unanswered questions about the story that hopefully, at the least, there’ll be sequels or prequels. ‘Cause I’m totally in love with the doctor. Even though I missed his geeky vests from the TV show. (It works out surprisingly well that Cari wants Mal, Becca wants Wash, and I want Simon. Hey, one for each of us, and no arguing!)
Saturday afternoon was another soccer game in sweltering conditions which we lost terribly. Not very fun. Saturday night we all had dinner at Mely’s since Jo was in town for the Aloha Fest.
Yesterday was another scorcher outside. I spent the morning shooting the Space City 10-Miler, where I finally had the pleasure of meeting Jon and Waverly and Holden for the first time, and Edwin for the second (they are some of the self-annointed Houston Running Bloggers). I think I saw Lisa as she ran past, but the heat took it’s toll and she had to leave before I finished up with photos and got to the finish line.
I am greatly enjoying the fact that I’m starting to meet more and more area runners. And I recognize at least twice as many as I actually know — I see the same people again and again through my camera lens each time I shoot a race. In fact, I think I’ve been enjoying the photography aspect so much that I’ve forgotten that it’s also fun to run them. I must’ve been at least somewhat inspired though, because I did find time to go for a run — on the treadmill, how masochistic of me — last night between the Astros game and another showing of Serenity (for Becca’s benefit, who as it turns out had already seen it, meaning I stayed up late for no good reason, well for a good reason, but still, I was tired when I had to get to work at 7:30 this morning, ok, runon sentence).
Anyway. I ran for 40 minutes, again doing the 5 minutes running, 30 seconds walking pattern, and covered another 3.4 miles. Slow. But I’ll make 10K on the 16th somehow.
Hmmm … I’m thinking that this running shirt and tent idea can really take off (and have a lot of fun with it).
I’ll start working on a logo…
I want Kaylee
did you get my email? I guessed on your JSC address!