One of the things I threw into a giant tupperware and took with me to Conroe during the evacuation-that-was: my yearbook from my final year in high school. 1996. I hadn’t glanced at it in years, but some of what’s written in the back is cracking me up. Indulge me; here are some excerpts…
Becky: “I want to know when you design your first space shuttle.”
Andrew: “It’s been neat, it’s been fun — don’t worry, plenty of people from IB have graduated and still done good things!”
Patrick: “I’m glad we’re leaving old MP because I think too much change is taking place.”
Darrell: “BTW — it’s usually better if you don’t cut any tethers to your space shuttle, so be careful. If nothing else, audition for Voyager, your voice isn’t as annoying.”
Whit: “Sing ‘Tunisia’ every once in a while to keep my memory alive.”
Laura M: “It is both a joy and a deep sadness to be here writing to you. I remember Annie dresses and playing with Barbie — you’re probably part of what made my childhood so bizarre!!!”
Leigh: “I’m so excited that I know you because when you become the first person to go to Neptune or Pluto or wherever, I can say that I knew you.”
Jes: “Remember singing entire musicals on the bus during marching band season? And hysterical laughter.”
Leslie: “I wish that I could capture your laugh in a box and carry it with me to Indiana next year. Your laugh is so special to me because it just sounds like the exemplary laugh which eminates happiness. (That doesn’t sound right but I hope you know what I mean.) I hope that you always find both time and reason to laugh so that others will hear you too.”
Amanda: “You are a Braves lovin’, moon hugger, Javy freak, website creatin’ person. Too bad you are leavin’ the state. (Traitor.) Anyways, you just want to go to GT for the education, right? (Sure, I know you have other reasons that come from Puerto Rico.) … We can get together and let our rich husbands speak Spanish to each other.”
Karin: “You are the woman of space. Don’t forget…I forgot. I am finishing this note 24 hours later and I didn’t finish my sentence. Oh well, ‘Asi es la vida!'”
Laura R: “I can’t believe that we finally made it through the torture of public schooling. … Thanks for doing all those double-dog dares in band.”
Nancy: “I’ll never forget all of the good times we had on the front row of band. You and I both know that Laura is the madness behind it all. She put you up to everything.”
Josh: “After all, it was cool. College will be cooler.”
Amanda: “And then — SPEEDOS! The crowning moment of French was when the entire room was covered in hunky Speedo guys. Wow. I’m so impressed.”
Kelly: “What ever will I do without being able to see Oscar on papers and work with you to destroy chemistry labs and create products about odd drinks in PHI? Hey do you think we should pursue some random acts of violence toward Dr. Weinbrect’s car and room? I say this only because acts of violence against actual people are against my innocent/sweet nature.”
Laina: “Life is a bowl full of chocolate milk, isn’t it? I don’t know what I’m saying.”
Cayce: “The super Saturdays have been scarce this year but they live on in our minds (and on the odometer of my car). p.s. Tell the aliens on Mars Cayce sent ya.”
My favorite, however, in all seriousness, is the one that I’ve never forgotten, despite going years between reading it. Funny that a yearbook sentence stuck in my mind so well.
“I have definitely been in more classes with you than any other person here at Myers Park… Despite it seems like it wasn’t until this year that I really got to know you better… I feel like some sort of grandparent when I say how everyone is proud of what you’ve accomplished… I wanted to give you an ear full for all the times I’ve heard you whine but I wanted to remain civil this one last time. Good luck in your quest towards the final frontier and don’t forget any of us IB dorks on the way. Sincerely (for once), Brian.”
I wonder what Brian is doing now.
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